Clustering and mapping the first COVID-19 outbreak in France
One Health
Post-lockdown detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the wastewater of Montpellier, France
Wastewater analysis and drugs — a European multi-city study
The Guardian
I see cocaine in wild shrimp in Suffolk’: meet the scientist who analyses our wastewater
Poland, Germany discuss avoiding repeat of deadly river pollution but ready for all scenarios
UK Parliament
River pollution and the regulation of private water companies
Digital Water City
Wastewater SCAN
CBC news
Ontario pulls plug on COVID-19 wastewater surveillance
National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS)
Launching GLOWACON: A global initiative for wastewater surveillance for public health
Rockefeller Foundation
Wastewater Surveillance: Vital for an Outbreak Early Warning System
Le Monde
Covid-19 monitoring integrated into French wastewater treatment process
The Scientist
Tracking Community Health Through Wastewater Surveillance
Northeastern Global News
A global wastewater surveillance program could have stopped the spread of COVID-19, Northeastern researcher says
Testing the Waters: Using Wastewater Surveillance as an Early Warning System
South China Morning Post
China orders Covid-19 waste water watch in cities to track variants as cases surge
Fuji Technology Press
Risk Mapping of COVID-19 to Create a Common Operating Picture Using Data from Wastewater Monitoring
the Japan Times
Japan looks to sewage to gain new insight into state of pandemic
Wastwater-based epidemiology: Latest updates and potential application to LMICs
OXFORD Forensic Sciences Research
The use of wastewater analysis in forensic intelligence: drug consumption comparison between Sydney and different European cities
Wastewater Surveillance Community-level monitoring of infectious pathogens with sequencing for a more rapid public health response
China expands surveillance of sewage to police illegal drug use
The Uncomfortable Nexus Between Poop and Privacy
The myriad ways sewage surveillance is helping fight COVID around the world
Technology and Regulation
The Datafication of Wastewater: Legal, Ethical and Civic Considerations
New York State Department Of Health
Wastewater Surveillance Helps Track Public Health Threats in Your Community
Boston College LAW
Protecting Pipe Privacy: How Sampling Wastewater and Utilizing Biological Data to Control the Spread of COVID-19 May Violate the Right to Privacy Under the Fourth Amendment
Legal and ethical implications of wastewater monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 for COVID-19 surveillance
Biz Intellia
Why are Smart Cities Employing Wastewater Management?
IoT Based Smart Sewage Monitoring System for Smart City
SNDK corp
How Smart Wastewater Management Systems Are Making Your City Smarter?
Elsevier PMC COVID-19 Collection
Wastewater discharge and surface water contamination pre- and post- COVID 19-global case studies
Taïwan Ministry of Environment
Wastewater and Sewage Monitoring
Lancet Global Health
Wastewater monitoring can anchor global disease surveillance systems
Taylor & Francis Environmental Forensics
Real-time wastewater monitoring as tool to detect clandestine waste discharges into the sewage system
Journal of emerging technologies
COVID-19 Sewage Testing As A Police Surveillance Infrastructure